Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Disembodied Hand by Koon Woon

The Disembodied Hand

The hand that moves across the sterile hours in a ward for the insane…that wanders over the bare breasts of mad women hungry for a touch behind locked doors forever locked out the consciousness of those who toil in broad daylight for a loaf of illogic just so that the fat mouths of children can go on sucking…
The hand, the hand that is stationary on the defunct clock indicating ill repair…
The mistakenly purchased hand from a second-hand store made of plastics fabricated in Hong Kong in the impoverished sector of town for the Asian immigrants who have not been here that long nor is there a place of permanence in their hearts…
The hand that is penning this, the tired, effete, worn, and calloused hand that betrayed a heart that is now becoming as calloused as the opposition itself that calls for its severance from the body politics that hand previously fed it…
The hand that is tired of being judged, the abandoned, locked-away hand, the hand, the disembodied hand that belongs to no one and belongs to everyone…
The hand, the hand, the hand….
The hand that will finally pick up a weapon, the disembodied hand that belongs to no one and belongs to everyone… the hand, the hand, the hand…

koon woon

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Monday, October 15, 2018

Sunday, August 12, 2018

International Poetry Anthology on Cross-Cultural Understanding

Goldfish Press, the publishing arm of the Chrysanthemum Literary Society, is happy to announce that it is collaborating with Asian Cha journal in Hong Kong to publish an international poetry anthology to foster understanding between North America and Asia

Call for submission

The danger of listening to literary figures:

The danger of listening to literary figures: I don’t see why Voltaire should make fun of Leibniz in Candide when the latter said that...